Category Archives: Emotions

In Appreciation of Orange; Celebrating Quiet Confidence

I always disliked orange. It was a very bland color, lacking the sparkle of red or the shine of yellow. Orange paled against the cool hues of blue and purple or the freshness of green. It sat equally with the … Continue reading

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How to Straddle the Thin Line Between Optimum Performance and Overreaching

I like hanging plaques in my office that have words of wisdom on them. They remind me of what’s important in life and motivate me to pursue my personal mission. The other day, one of my newer plaques caught my … Continue reading

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Delight Loved Ones with Heartfelt Messages

Three seconds or less. That is the amount of time it takes for our emotions to process sensory input. And five times less than it takes for the cognitive part of our brain to process that same information. This is … Continue reading

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Anger Energy is Real – How Will You Use It?

Several years ago, I applied for and got a contract writing position with a temp agency. I had answered an online ad, been given the information, and went on the interview. It was an exciting opportunity with the possibility that … Continue reading

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The Subtle Power of Sending Love to Yourself and Others

Many years ago, I discovered the Hawaiian prayer of Ho’oponopono. It is the practice of getting into a meditative state and repeating the mantra: I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. As I became comfortable with it … Continue reading

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A New Way of Looking at Your Gratitude Practice

Gratitude is an amazing emotion. According to Harvard Medical School, gratitude can supply positive emotions resulting in greater happiness. It can improve your health. Gratitude can also provide a means of dealing more effectively with adversity and assist in building … Continue reading

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Love is More Important Than Ever

The holidays are a catalyst for one of the greatest forces for good we have. In the midst of the holiday season, even in the throes of social divisiveness and a continuing Covid pandemic, love gains a foothold. Through all … Continue reading

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The Power Behind Your Goals – Three Mighty Forces

If you are a goal-setter (and if you are reading this, you probably are), you know the best practices in how to set goals – write them down, set smaller, more reachable goals, etc. Those are important elements for defining … Continue reading

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Why We Need Wonder in Our Lives and How to Make it Happen

Peter was a sensitive man nearly 70, who became so disconnected from his sense of wonder and mystery that his outlook on life suffered. A pervasive sadness took over with such force that two counselors diagnosed him as “clinically depressed.” … Continue reading

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Stop Lashing Out – When Anger Wins, We all Lose

Anger seems to be taking over everything. New expressions on the age-old emotion have showed themselves in road rage, Internet and social media rants, and harmful behavior directed toward total strangers. A new wave of belligerent travelers are now attacking … Continue reading

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