Category Archives: Philosophy

Eight Steps to True Compassion – An Essential Quality for Both a Better World and a Better You

I once had a manager who was kind and compassionate in many ways. But there was someone within the organization that she despised. Her contempt was palpable. I know this other person. On the surface, he was gruff in many … Continue reading

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In Appreciation of Orange; Celebrating Quiet Confidence

I always disliked orange. It was a very bland color, lacking the sparkle of red or the shine of yellow. Orange paled against the cool hues of blue and purple or the freshness of green. It sat equally with the … Continue reading

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Four Reasons Why We Must Restore Love to Its Pre-Pandemic Importance in Our Lives

We have experienced more change in the last four years than most of us have gone through our entire lives. While some of these changes are positive, most are negative. You may not even be aware of some of those … Continue reading

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A Case of Sportsmanship Choice

We live in a highly competitive world. A world that values success, power and prestige over human kindness. Competitiveness requires a “win-at-all-costs” kind of attitude. Stomp all over your opponent because they are the enemy. They stand in the way … Continue reading

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The Secret Behind Generosity of Spirit

I love the holidays. It is a very special, warm, joyful time of year. It’s a time when the majority of people set their cares aside and become kinder, friendlier, and open-hearted. We enjoy embracing each other in love and … Continue reading

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Grudges – the Tie that Binds You to Misery

People hurt us. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, you are bound to run into someone somewhere who is going to wound you deeply. Some years back, there was a group of people who caused great hurt to our family. We felt … Continue reading

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Just How Destructive is the Allure of Money and Power

The ultimate source of happiness is not money and power, but warm-heartedness. ― Dalai Lama In the Smithsonian Magazine article Why Power Corrupts, Christopher Shea highlights a study that identifies when power corrupts the individual, and when it does not. … Continue reading

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This is Your Greatest Personal Growth Ally

When I was very young, I wanted to be a fashion designer. I entered a very small, specialized fashion college in hopes of fulfilling that dream. That’s where I met “Jenna.” Though we were never close friends, her effect on … Continue reading

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People of the Heart – The Yin and Yang of Human Behavior

I’ve spent a lifetime studying human nature, person-to-person behavior, the good and the bad. I am not a psychological professional – only an interested bystander. But after 40-some years of observation and contemplation, I’ve decided that human conduct boils down … Continue reading

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Anger Energy is Real – How Will You Use It?

Several years ago, I applied for and got a contract writing position with a temp agency. I had answered an online ad, been given the information, and went on the interview. It was an exciting opportunity with the possibility that … Continue reading

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