Tag Archives: love

Four Reasons Why We Must Restore Love to Its Pre-Pandemic Importance in Our Lives

We have experienced more change in the last four years than most of us have gone through our entire lives. While some of these changes are positive, most are negative. You may not even be aware of some of those … Continue reading

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The Legend of True Love (Mini Romance)

“Seriously,” Ruby said to her BFF Krystal, “What are we doing out here?” “Having fun,” Krystal said as she pulled Ruby by the arm toward the large crowd of gathered young people. Ruby pulled her friend close and whispered, “It … Continue reading

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Synchronistic Signs of Romantic Love (Mini Romance)

Molly grabbed her bag and suit jacket in a flurry as she headed out the door. She was late, and she hated being late. As a budding matchmaker, her business had grown in leaps and bounds. She had already acquired … Continue reading

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Schooled in Love

Mary rushed into the large classroom, trying hard not to cause too much attention. The 400-level statistics class was not one she could afford to miss. It was a good thing Katie, her 16-year-old daughter, was so reliable, because 10-year-old … Continue reading

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Love to the Rescue (Mini Romance), Part 2

Read Part 1 Lorinda sneaked a peek at Tom every few moments. She felt comfortable sitting in the passenger seat of his car. As if she had been there, in this very place, many times before. For years. It was … Continue reading

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Love to the Rescue (Mini Romance), Part 1

Lorinda sunk down in the bus stop bench. It had been a long day at work and all she wanted to do was go home. She was looking forward to a hot soup dinner and a good book, followed by … Continue reading

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Opening the Door to Love (Mini Romance)

“How’s your love life these days, dear?” Katie stared over the top of her tea mug at her mother.  She was sipping her coffee, eyes cast down, her other hand playing with her spoon, spinning it gently on the table. … Continue reading

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Breaking the Language Barrier for Love (Mini Romance)

“I know it sounds crazy,” Marie said, enthusiasm spilling from her every pore. “You don’t understand how sure I am of this.” Callie picked up Marie’s suitcase and tossed it into the open trunk of her car. “I know you. … Continue reading

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30 Candles and Love (Mini Romance)

“I hate birthdays,” Ciara muttered to herself as she ripped down one more copy of Annette’s invitation on the wall. The sign said, “Ciara is 30 years old today. Come celebrate with us at The Pub in the Basement tonight … Continue reading

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Li’l Shop of Hope . . . and Love (Mini Romance)

Calista rushed around behind the counter. In the lull between the time following lunch and the after-school rush, she had to get her supply restocked. Pretzels to make, dipping sauces to replenish, and she had to retrieve more cups from … Continue reading

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