Category Archives: Navigating Life

Fortify Your Health by Reading

Over the last few years, I tried out the old adage, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Then I found out that that’s not necessarily true. Maybe the saying should go like this, a book a day keeps … Continue reading

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Reading for Personal Power – The Three Realms that Boost Your Potential

What is your most powerful tool for development, advancement, and gaining a competitive advantage? The answer is so simple and yet so profound – reading. It’s the secret that keeps on giving. Development Brain Power. If you want to develop … Continue reading

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The Entertainment Value of Reading – Three Compelling Reasons

In our series, we’re going through the many advantages to reading, starting with the most obvious and the least valuable. That doesn’t mean that it is not important. In our technological world, there are many ways to entertain yourself. Television … Continue reading

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The Power of Reading – An Overview

One of my most favorite activities is curling up with a good book and a cup of tea. I am an introvert and a highly sensitive person. People like me enjoy solitude and most of us love reading. I enjoy … Continue reading

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Your Vital 7-Step Process for Making Good Choices During Times of Crisis

The pandemic. The war in Ukraine. Political strife at home. Internal unrest and prejudice within our borders. Economic fallout from all of these challenges. We live in very difficult times. Complicating this scenario is the fact that every decision we … Continue reading

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Common Smarts or How to Avoid Looking Ridiculous

We all make mistakes, and we need to be tolerant of each other’s foibles. But there are ways to mitigate errors that cause you to look ridiculous. This was the lesson I took from an experience I had several weeks … Continue reading

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A New Way of Looking at Your Gratitude Practice

Gratitude is an amazing emotion. According to Harvard Medical School, gratitude can supply positive emotions resulting in greater happiness. It can improve your health. Gratitude can also provide a means of dealing more effectively with adversity and assist in building … Continue reading

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Knowing When to Stop “Efforting” – Three Circumstances

Let’s start by defining the difference between trying and efforting. I see a difference. Trying is making a concerted attempt to accomplish an ideal goal. Something noble in its purpose, and within our means to attain. It is a desirable … Continue reading

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To Be Happy, Set the Right Priorities – 4 Principles

I believe in the aim of practicing love as a lifework. We are called to love one another. Love is our guiding light. Unfortunately, in the world we live in, that pursuit can be more difficult than it sounds. More … Continue reading

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Believing in the Impossible – A Necessity for Personal Growth

Here’s a quick quiz for you. Which area has more? A) Stars in the Milky Way, the galaxy in which the earth resides; or B) trees on earth? You’ve at least once in your life gazed upon the expanse that … Continue reading

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