Category Archives: Navigating Life

The Only Resolution You Need for This Year and Beyond

Happy New Year! It’s once again the start of a new year and we are all making resolutions that we believe we need to make in order to be a better person in the upcoming new year. We tend to … Continue reading

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The Power Behind Your Goals – Three Mighty Forces

If you are a goal-setter (and if you are reading this, you probably are), you know the best practices in how to set goals – write them down, set smaller, more reachable goals, etc. Those are important elements for defining … Continue reading

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To Be or Not to Be Humble – Four Advantages

The great scientist, Albert Einstein, was a humble man. Soon after he moved to America, he was asked to speak to a group of mathematicians at Princeton on tensor analysis as it was linked to his relativity theory. A small … Continue reading

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Why We Need Wonder in Our Lives and How to Make it Happen

Peter was a sensitive man nearly 70, who became so disconnected from his sense of wonder and mystery that his outlook on life suffered. A pervasive sadness took over with such force that two counselors diagnosed him as “clinically depressed.” … Continue reading

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Changing Minds Begins with Understanding – An Empathetic Approach

We find ourselves in an explosive time. People not simply putting forth their own opinions, but doing so with a violent force. Groups of like-minded people banding together to insist that everyone get on board with their opinions. And if … Continue reading

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Unmasking Assumptions as a Key to Change

About 20 years ago, I was making changes focused on my health. Small changes I was making to my exercise/mindset routine and diet were included. One of those specific changes was beginning a practice of yoga every day. Another focused … Continue reading

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The Difference Between Confidence and Arrogance and Why It Matters

Years ago, I had a guest in my home with whom I was having a good-natured disagreement with over the path a particular road took. I don’t remember the specifics of the dispute. What I do remember is that she … Continue reading

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