Tag Archives: compassion

Eight Steps to True Compassion – An Essential Quality for Both a Better World and a Better You

I once had a manager who was kind and compassionate in many ways. But there was someone within the organization that she despised. Her contempt was palpable. I know this other person. On the surface, he was gruff in many … Continue reading

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A Case of Sportsmanship Choice

We live in a highly competitive world. A world that values success, power and prestige over human kindness. Competitiveness requires a “win-at-all-costs” kind of attitude. Stomp all over your opponent because they are the enemy. They stand in the way … Continue reading

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The Secret Behind Generosity of Spirit

I love the holidays. It is a very special, warm, joyful time of year. It’s a time when the majority of people set their cares aside and become kinder, friendlier, and open-hearted. We enjoy embracing each other in love and … Continue reading

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Do Your Civic Duty Using Only a Book

We have come to the final post in our series on the benefits of reading. You may think this does not affect you personally, but it does in an indirect way. Reading fosters healthy societal interaction and expansion. Down through … Continue reading

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All Empathy is Positive, Right? Three Types and Their Consequences

Years ago, I worked in the downtown district of a major metropolitan area. While the atmosphere was mostly professional people, there was a homeless presence. One day as I was walking to my car, I was approached by one of … Continue reading

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