Category Archives: Advice

When an Agreeable Chameleon Turns on You – Kindness Gone Wrong

I once had a supervisor who had a very outgoing, super friendly, and outwardly kind demeanor. But she could and would turn on you in an instant. I was taken in initially by her outward appearance. I saw the kindness … Continue reading

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Devising a Fool-proof Plan to Deal with Difficult People – 3 Essential Components

Reciprocal relationships are the ideal. The give-and-take that allows for equitable contribution and advantages promotes healthy growth for both parties. At the heart of a healthy relationship is a base of empathy and authenticity in both parties. In a perfect … Continue reading

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Living with SPARK in My Life

We all need a personal mission statement. Most of us do have a code within us that we follow, consciously or unconsciously. Our values and ethics, what’s important to us, and where we find meaning makes its way into our … Continue reading

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Three Positive Aspects of Regret and How to Attain Them

Regret is considered a negative emotion. It is defined as great sorrow or disappointment because of something that has happened, usually resulting in loss or missed opportunity. The mind distress that accompanies regret, if left unattended, can grow and fester. … Continue reading

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Three Empathic Traits to Assist You in Spotting a Fake Smile

The smile is a universal means of nonverbal communication. Authentic, it conveys warmth, a positive and harmonious image, and openness/vulnerability. All welcoming traits. But it can also be used as a weapon of deception by manipulators. Science has studied smiles … Continue reading

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Five Reasons Why You Should Do Right when You’ve Been Wronged

The very human response to someone when they’ve wronged you is to fight back. In some way, to get even, to vindicate yourself, to make yourself look better, to save your pride. There are a multitude of reasons. But is … Continue reading

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Biological Alarm Bells – Three Steps to Defy Fear in Everyday Life

In my memoir, I wrote about an incident that frightened me so badly that I experienced a freeze reaction. It took place during the summer after I graduated from high school. Alone in the house, I lay on my bed … Continue reading

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