Category Archives: Advice

Unmasking Assumptions as a Key to Change

About 20 years ago, I was making changes focused on my health. Small changes I was making to my exercise/mindset routine and diet were included. One of those specific changes was beginning a practice of yoga every day. Another focused … Continue reading

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The Difference Between Confidence and Arrogance and Why It Matters

Years ago, I had a guest in my home with whom I was having a good-natured disagreement with over the path a particular road took. I don’t remember the specifics of the dispute. What I do remember is that she … Continue reading

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Leveraging the Edge Between

What’s your edge? If you need to solve a problem or pique your creativity for a project, what do you turn to? Either you seek the insight from a conscious state (your wakeful day), or you look for the answer … Continue reading

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Three Lessons I’ve Learned from the Pandemic

It’s in times of big hardship that we learn the most. Everyone has faced the challenges of potential illness, separation from loved ones, and disruption of our oh-so-comfortable routines. And we all, in our unique perspectives, have come away with … Continue reading

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How to Communicate with Integrity – 7 Points to Prevail

Words have power. They can soothe, uplift, empower, inspire, and create vivid mind pictures. They can also wound, deceive, manipulate, gaslight, and degrade. They can implore and they can demand. If integrity is your goal, it’s important to apply that … Continue reading

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Four Reasons Why You Should Allow Your Opponent to Talk First in an Argument

People like to talk. And they like to be heard. Notice when two people are arguing how both parties compete with one another to talk over the other. No one is listening. When this happens without pause, no one can … Continue reading

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Stop Lashing Out – When Anger Wins, We all Lose

Anger seems to be taking over everything. New expressions on the age-old emotion have showed themselves in road rage, Internet and social media rants, and harmful behavior directed toward total strangers. A new wave of belligerent travelers are now attacking … Continue reading

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Character and Choice – How will You Make your Mark on the World?

You’ve had a rough day. Everyone is on your case — from the boss’s morning tongue-lashing to the parking attendant scowling at you as your leave. As you drive down the freeway, some idiot cuts you off. That’s it. The … Continue reading

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Why I Believe it is Crucial to Rise Above Materialism

In my six decades of life, I’ve known people from all walks of life. The range includes from the highly successful to the folks who struggle to make it through another day. What’s interesting is that within the two extremes … Continue reading

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What is ASMR?

When I was a child, if someone were to whisper into my ear, I would get a tingly sensation running from my spine down my back and into my legs. The gentle force of that person’s breath against my ear … Continue reading

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