The great scientist, Albert Einstein, was a humble man. Soon after he moved to America, he was asked to speak to a group of mathematicians at Princeton on tensor analysis as it was linked to his relativity theory. A small notice was posted where mathematical students could see the invitation. On the day he was to address this small group, hordes of people descended on Princeton to listen to him speak. Word of mouth had spread the news that this great man was to speak. Upon seeing the crowds, Einstein said, “I never realized that in America there was so much interest in tensor analysis.”
Humility (being humble) is probably one of the most important human traits that you can have. Humility comes from a place of knowing exactly who you are and what you are capable of. Being confident in your own abilities while being cognizant of those areas of your life that are flawed. And owning up to those flaws. Being authentic in how you present yourself at all times.

The world encourages all of us to act confident (to the point of arrogance) in every situation. It rewards those who appear to be all-knowing and perfect in everything they do. Yet, when it comes down to it, we secretly feel uncomfortable around those who act this way. Because no one is perfect. And we all know it, but don’t want to admit to our faults.
The people we feel most comfortable with are the ones who are confident in their strong points and straight forward about their shortcomings. Making humility a desirable trait. As additional incentive, here are four more benefits for developing your humility.
Develops Vulnerability
When you realize that you don’t know something and ask for help, or share a weakness that you possess, you expose yourself to the possibility that someone may think less of us. Or that is what we think. But this type of vulnerability has the power to strengthen our relationships. As we allow ourselves to expose those parts of us that we see as flaws, we unknowingly endear those people with whom we share.
Strengthens Your Empathy
Empathy starts with a genuine interest in the wellbeing of others. In order to show people that you are truly interested in their welfare, you must be willing to be vulnerable within their presence. Sharing the parts of yourself that need work creates an atmosphere of authenticity. Allowing others to relax and feel more willing to open up and drop their defenses.
Demonstrates Your Tolerance
Humility and tolerance are both vital virtues that are linked together by common origin. Tolerance can only exist when we first practice humility. The more you focus on your own humility, the more likely you will be tolerant of those who are different. In a world that needs tolerant role models, increasing both of these virtues brings much needed attention to qualities that can heal our differences.
Increases Your Benevolence
In its simplest definition, being benevolent means doing good to others. As your humility and tolerance increase, so does your benevolence. You become more charitable and kinder.
All of these advantages work toward being a better person. Being humble may appear to be a less desirable trait, but working toward greater humility creates so many pluses in your life, it is worth making a daily practice of increasing it.
Copyright 2021, Monica Nelson