When Your Best Isn’t Good Enough

We are surrounded by advice and expectation that all we have to do to succeed at any goal is to “do our best.” Follow a certain formula or step-by-step process and do it with your full attention and intention, and you will see your goal fulfilled. It’s a good presumption. And it works some of the time.

But what do you do when it doesn’t? When you’ve given your all to a project or solution, but it falls short. The formula for success looming at some out-of-reach height now turns sour. Taunting you with negative self-talk and disappointments.

Napoleon Hill Quote

That defeat can seem incredibly large and insurmountable. Spilling over into other goals and actions. Sabotaging your motivation.

We all tend to be harder on ourselves than anyone else would be. But take heart. There are measures you can take to overcome and get back on track.

Back Off on Your Own Criticism

No one is perfect. Yet this is the standard we all seem to set for ourselves. And when we don’t perform as we think we should, we back ourselves into the “I’m just substandard” corner. Followed inevitably by the worst criticism anyone could level at us. We are our own worst nightmare. Our own worst critic.

Why do we do this? There is no good reason for it. As if berating ourselves would change the outcome in some way. Or change us into the perfection marvel we aspire to. It won’t happen. And all we accomplish when we get down on ourselves is feeling worse about ourselves than before.

Stop. When you find yourself doing this, make a conscious effort to still the inner critic. Kill it if you can. It is not your friend.

Reframe Your Situation

Once you’ve silenced the inner critic, you can objectively look at the situation. As you do, remain flexible. Remind yourself that there is a reason for everything. Generally, that means something better if on the horizon. Remembering this helps to put the situation in perspective.

As you look at it, consider what might not have been optimal if you had succeeded in your original plan. Ask yourself some mind-changing questions:

  • How can I see this differently?
  • What assumptions and limiting beliefs do I need to change?
  • How can I turn this experience into something positive?

Gather the Lessons You’ve Learned from the Situation

Through the darkness, you’ll find light. The only way to learn how to move forward is to experience the future. We make the most of this when we learn from our mistakes. As we move forward, changing our behavior based on what we’ve learned from those mistakes creates momentum in the right direction. Making the same mistakes repeatedly leads nowhere.

When failure strikes, take an unbiased, analytical look at what went wrong. Talk to experts, research how you could’ve gone in a nonproductive direction, study alternatives. Get to the bottom of why your course went awry.

When you do your reframing, add this question to your analysis: How can I take what I’ve learned and grow from the experience?

Growth cannot happen without failure. The key to getting past it, is to turn off the harsh criticism, reshape the experience, and learn from your mistakes going forward.

One final note: Everyone has setbacks. How you deal with them shows the strength, or lack of it, in your character. Winston Churchill said, “Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.” Use these steps to keep your enthusiasm strong. You’re worth the effort.

Copyright 2021, Monica Nelson

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Challenge Old Beliefs – Feeding the Drive to Self-Actualize

The current political climate we find ourselves in has done more to upend our lives beyond health and economics. Staying occupied with thoughts of these two survival necessities has held us all captive to the internal strife within. Much like clinging to a 2-inch railing so we don’t plunge off a 60-story building. The obsession allows for little more. The result is a stalling of our true purpose – the drive to self-actualize.

It is important that we continue our progress despite our current state. I am not saying that you should disregard either your health or your money needs. These must be taken care of to maintain and support life. But when this is all we accomplish during the day, life grows stale. Without realizing it, we soon find ourselves fighting the inevitable listlessness that such striving produces.

The Road to your future starts now. You’ll find beauty around the corner. (“Newfound Gap Road – Great Smoky Mountains National Park, TN” by pvarney3 is marked under CC PDM 1.0.

Breaking free from the drone of lack, slack and indifference is no easy task. It takes courage, fortitude, and determination. It takes a strong-willed effort to move freely through the concrete bonds of apathy to return to full purpose and discovery. Sometimes we need a little push, a little emotional jumpstart.

It is my hope that this blog will give you that jumpstart. That here you will find help on your way back to the path you were born to take. To the goals you were meant to accomplish. To the life you were meant to live.

We will explore new ways of thinking, inspiration, encouragement, and guidance to life’s mysteries. Our topics will include self-discovery, mind-body connection, perception, critical thinking, emotional healing, and much more. Motivating insight and knowledge to personalize. Open-minded differences of opinion are welcome.

If you are ready to:

  • Take back your life from the clutches of disheartenment;
  • Start or restart your personal growth journey;
  • Boost your day with a shot of optimism;
  • Find solace in a community of like-minded folks;
  • Expand your insight and intelligence; or
  • Open your mind to a deeper understanding of the world in which we live . . .

. . . make yourself a promise to tune into this online journal for five minutes a week.

I hope to see you jump on board. I’m looking forward to our journey together.

Copyright 2021, Monica Nelson, updated 2025

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